Institute For Biblical Apologetics

Speaking Topics With Dr. Andrew Knight

Institute of Biblical Apologetics

“Teaching Doctrine, Training Champions.”

The Problem Of Suffering

This talk will discuss the problem of suffering and its origins will be considered. How suffering affects the believer and how suffering affects the skeptic will both be addressed.

One of the greatest causes of skepticism in the world is the problem of suffering. Many have posed the question, “If God is real and good, then why does evil and suffering exist?” Skeptics frequently use this debate to argue God’s existence, and many Christians struggle with the perceived inconsistencies in their spiritual walk and hardships.
The problem of evil is a very real topic that must be addressed to every individual, and one that will affect their entire outlook on God and Christianity.
Dr. Andrew Knight’s miraculous story makes him a premier speaker on this very topic. As a survivor of extreme hardship and pain, his testimony shows that while suffering and evil are real in the world, God is real and has a plan.
This lecture reveals the reality behind evil in the world, explains how God can still be good when He allows this suffering to happen, and tells how each Christian can fully trust God no matter what hardships they face.

I. The Problem of Suffering
A. The Blame Game.
B. The Burden of Proof.
C. Creature Comforts.

II. The Christian’s Conundrum
A. Defending God?
B. The Moral God.
C. The Essence of Jesus.

III. The Skeptic’s Box
A. No Defendant.
B. No Moral Standing.
C. No Justice.


1. Develop a biblical worldview of suffering.
2. Better understanding of the essence of Christ.
3. Offer skeptics an opportunity to reevaluate their worldview.
4. Give listeners a biblical rationale for a theistic worldview.

Notes: Talks: 50-60 minutes per subject. Question & Answer Time: 30 minutes.

Ref. TT2 pp. 65-71.

Does God Exist?

This talk will discuss the origin of civilization and the significance of Genesis account of Creation. In connection to the Genesis account of Creation, the Gap theory will be examined.


This talk will discuss the origin of civilization and the significance of Genesis account of Creation. In connection to the Genesis account of Creation the Gap theory will be examined. The universal human desire to understand the problem of evil will be considered. Included in this body of study is the problem of suffering. The centerpiece of a theistic worldview is the resurrection of Christ. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity.  The three major theories that oppose Theism will be examined.


A discussion on the Genesis account of Creation is paramount to understanding Judeo-Christian history. The problem of evil, suffering, and moral thought cannot be understood outside of Theism. To understand human history it is imperative to recognize the central theme in human history and debunk the critic’s theories. This talk will explore the truth-claims of the Genesis account; answer the hard questions of evil and suffering; and answer the resurrection critics.

I. Creation and its critics.
A. Accountability.
B. Time and distance.
C. Human patterns.

II. The problem of evil.
A. Why suffering.
B. End evil.
C. Moral thought.

III. The Central Event.
A. The Swoon Theory.
B. The Sleeping guard Theory.
C. The Five Hundred liars Theory.


1. Inspire to pursuit truth-claims.
2. Encouragement in life’s trials.
3. Defend against the critics.
4. Instill the existence of God.

Notes: Talks: 50-60 minutes per subject. Question & Answer Time: 30 minutes.

Ref. TT1,pp. 26-39.

Developing A Biblical Worldview

This talk will discuss the broad topic of developing a biblical worldview. The questions will be answered, what is truth, and what is real? The theistic perspective will demand a right view of God, man, and the World.

In order to create a Biblical worldview, each individual must have a firm Biblical philosophy. In this lecture, Dr. Andrew Knight will clarify what a philosophy is and connect each point to Biblical verses and principals, while distinguishing the difference between humanistic philosophies and that of the Bible.
Once the foundations of a Biblical philosophy are established, Dr. Knight will explain how these philosophies are the building blocks that individuals must use to create a real and steadfast Biblical worldview to guide them through life’s trials and temptations.

I. A Theistic Worldview
A. What is Truth?
B. What is Real?
C. View of God.

II. View of Oneself.
A. Meaning of Being Human.
B. The Human Problem.
C. Stewards of the earth.

III. God’s Perspective.
A. The Greatest Mission.
B. The Highest Priority.
C. The Eternal Home.


1. Assess One’s Perception of truth.
2. Understand the Human Condition.
3. Fulfilled Through Purpose.

Notes: Talks: 50-60 minutes per subject. Question & Answer Time: 30 minutes.

Ref. TT1, pp. 2-12.

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

The perceived problem of manhood and womanhood relative to the culture will be discussed. The description of this problem will be outlined in a deeper level to understand the need. The problem from a biblical perspective will offer the contrast between the culture and the biblical historical record for manhood and womanhood.


This talk will begin with a biblical mandate for presuppositional apologetics, along with contrasting with other methods of apologetics. The problem which demands the growing need for apologetics will be considered. Hard questions from the Bible will be addressed, such as suffering are dealt with from both the believer’s and the skeptic’s perspective.

The purpose and practicality of biblical apologetics will be discussed. One major theme of studying presoppositional apologetics to be considered is biblical reasoning. The other major theme of this apologetic study is it’s basis which rests in the pursuit and study of truth.


The purpose of this talk is to discuss the most vital need of our generation, which is the relentless pursuit and application of presuppositional apologetics. 

Though the number in the population that are coming to faith in Christ is always increasing the percentage of skeptics, agnostics, and atheist are growing at a far greater number.
The need to teach and train Christian apologist to defend and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ is great.

Within the broader need to teaching apologetics is the need to refine the teaching on biblical apologetics. The distinction of presuppositional apologetics separates itself from other forms of apologetics that have made themselves the verifier of truth, and have suggested that philosophy is the handmaiden of theology.

I. Biblical Identity.
A. Masculinity
B. Femininity
C. Purpose.

II. A Guy Thing.
A. Design.
B. Identity.
C. Leadership.

III. Women in the World.
A. Led Astray.
B. Bad Influence.
C. Power Player.


1. Greater joy through identity.
2. Contentment in responsibility.
3. Peace in His design.
4. His glory and your fulfillment.

Notes: Talks: 50-60 minutes per subject. Question & Answer Time: 30 minutes.

Ref. TT2, pp. 144-157.

Answers To Hard Questions

This talk will begin with a biblical mandate for presuppositional apologetics, along with
contrasting with other methods of apologetics. The problem which demands the growing need for apologetics will be considered. 


This talk will begin with a biblical mandate for presuppositional apologetics, along with
contrasting with other methods of apologetics. The problem which demands the growing need for apologetics will be considered. 

Hard questions from the Bible will be addressed, such as suffering are dealt with from both the believer’s and the skeptic’s perspective. 

The purpose and practicality of biblical apologetics will be discussed. One major theme of studying presoppositional apologetics to be considered is biblical reasoning. 

The other major theme of this apologetic study is it’s basis which rests in the pursuit and study of truth.


The purpose of this talk is to discuss the most vital need of our generation, which is the relentless pursuit and application of presuppositional apologetics. Though the number in the population that are coming to faith in Christ is always increasing the percentage of skeptics, agnostics, and
atheist are growing at a far greater number. 

The need to teach and train Christian apologist to defend and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ is great. Within the broader need to teaching apologetics is the need to refine the teaching on biblical apologetics. 

The distinction of presuppositional apologetics separates itself from other forms of apologetics that have made themselves the verifier of truth, and have suggested that philosophy is the handmaiden of  theology.

I. Presuppositional Apologetics
A. The Beginning.
B. Distinctions.
C. Interpreting.

II. Hard Questions
A. Suffering and Humanity.
B. Overcoming and Inspiration.
C. Truth Prevails.

III. Biblical Reasoning
A. Divine Premises.
B. Building a Worldview.
C. High View.

1. Be able to distinguish between the different forms of apologetics.
2. Gain a better understanding of suffering and overcoming.
3. Learn what the basis is for an apologetic discussion.
4. Develop your worldview and how to get there.

Notes: Talks: 50-60 minutes per subject. Question & Answer Time: 30 minutes


Ref. TT1 pp. 46-66.