Institute For Biblical Apologetics

Suffering Can Change You

How Suffering Helps Build Character

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.”

Romans 5:3-4

All of us have suffered in some way, form, or shape. This makes us wonder why God lets grief and hardship in our lives and whether he cares about the distress we go through. In dark times like these, we also ponder whether God can relate to human emotions, injury, and involuntary suffering.

While some closer to God during these times, some also drift away. It is important that you realize that pain is never introduced into our lives without purpose because the short answer to this predicament is yes, suffering helps build character. 

How Suffering Can Change You

Suffering changes who you are as a person. The Almighty has incredible ways of restoring everything around you and making it seem new. If you’re one of those who came closer to God during difficult times, you’ll notice how He’ll rectify your bond with him with gifts of justification and forgiveness. He’ll also improve your relationships with others and take away the adverse effects of the days you’ve lost to sin (Joel 2:25).

His incredible ability to redeem the future and past of a person’s life is what helps the ones close to Him get through. In the Bible, you’re going to read several instances in which God demonstrated His power of restoration. For instance, when Jacob reunited with his beloved son Joseph, he called the sorrow-filled days “few and evil” (Genesis 47:9). But in the last few days, Jacob realized that God was the guiding shepherd throughout his life because of the Deity’s mercy.

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What Happens When We Suffer

When you go through suffering, God protects you because He cares for the ones close to Him. The trials and hurdles God puts in front of you are His way of shaping and refining you for life ahead. But in order to enjoy the appropriate end result, it’s imperative you have the right response and attitude.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

  • James 1:2-4

Since our trials test our faith in God, we’re rewarded with the gift of perseverance, which gives birth to completeness and maturity in Christ. When James claims that you’ll feel complete after your suffering, he refers to Christlikeness, which we all aim for.

Wrapping Up

Whether you’re going through a challenging situation brought on to you by evil or even if you’re struggling with His discipline in your life, we can promise you that there will be fruit at the end if you submit to it. To develop a holistic understanding of the problem of suffering and know how suffering helps build character, click here to get in touch with Doctor Andrew Knight. You can also call him on +1 877-411-5300.